Cocktail: Mochatini

The last course of my cocktail party this week was the Mochatini. The last few chocolate and coffee flavored drinks that I did were a big success, so I continued on with this great recipe using a lot of local North Carolina products. This doesn’t come off overly-chocolate, and it definitely tastes more like a “Coffee” drink than a “chocolate” drink. For this one in particular I used Covington’s Sweet Potato vodka, which has just a hint of sweetness in the aftertaste of the vodka. It is an excellent pairing with the Crude bitters and coffee flavors.



I start off my filling a mixing glass with ice, then adding the hot espresso. You might want to use more ice than usual due to the melting of the hot beverage.  Then add the vodka and liqueur, and a dash or two of Crude bitters. Rim a glass with chocolate syrup, then strain into the glass. I garnished this with WAY too much whipped cream, and a maraschino cherry.  It looks messy, because it was…but in a good messy way!

