Cocktail: Rum and No Coke

I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that everyone has had a Rum and Coke. Sure, it’s not my go-to drink, but it is for thousands of people. I wanted to make a cocktail that was accessible in taste and didn’t require a secret language to order. Since “gimmearumancoke” just rolls off the tongue,…

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Cocktail: Pomelo Acapulco

One more pomelo cocktail for the week!  This is a spin on the classic Acapulco, a tropical drink with a full bodied pineapple fruit taste.  This was an easy substitution with grapefruit juice.  No crazy diversions from the original recipe (for now),  but great option for that last bit of pomelo juice that you squeezed…

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Cocktail: Hemingway Pomelo Special

Since Pomelo juice is a great one-for-one substitute for grapefruit juice I mixed it into one of the simplest grapefruit cocktails out there: the Hemingway Special.  Obviously a famous twist off a sugarless Daquiri,  and a favorite of its namesake author, it’s an easy drink to make with just a handful of ingredients.  If you…

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Cocktail: Ginger Pomelo

The pomelo craze continues in today’s cocktail!  The ginger blends perfectly with the pomelo juice,  and the aperol brings out the grapefruit flavors so it’s not overpowered by the ginger.  This is an absolutely delicious drink! Ingredients: 2 tablespoons chopped ginger 2 oz Raleigh Rum Company spiced rum 1 oz lime juice (keep half a…

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Cocktail: The Zombie

Here’s a spooky Halloween tiki drink that has so many variations. First made back in the 1930’s, and enjoyed at the 1939 World’s Fair, this drink usually has some 151 poured over it, which makes it a real kick in the pants! Other variations (and the original) also have Pernod and a random assortment of…

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Cocktail: Cider Punch

Today we’re going to a friend’s house and I wanted to make a punch that takes the best parts of fall, without going over the top and making it a “Christmas” punch.  I kept the base equal parts cider and ginger ale, and I am ashamed to admit that I am using Fireball as my…

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Cocktail: The Cable Car

This is a delicious fall cocktail as the weather gets colder.  Raleigh Rum Company is a local company that produces a great spiced rum that will add a seasonal flavor boost to all your autumn drinks. In the coming weeks I’ll be looking for more ways to use this spiced rum into some Christmas-y cocktails….

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